Lecturer dr. ing.
Email: office eugen.pop@upb.ro
: PR503
Didactic activity
- Advanced Communication Systems in the Industrial Environment, third year, Automatic Control and Computer License
- Dynamic Systems with Discrete Events, second year, License, Automatic Control and Computers
- Operating Systems, year 1, Undergraduate, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
- Robotique et agents intelligents, year 4, Undergraduate, Engineering in Foreign Languages
- Business Engineering through Electronic Methods, year 1, Master, Automatic Control and Computers
- Service-oriented information architectures for the enterprise of the future, year 2, Master, Automatic Control and Computers
- Application Planning and Project Management, 2nd Year Master, Automation and Computers
Research areas
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Electronic services
- Networks and applications of mobile and wireless communications
Other information
- Scientific publications:
- 2 Books
- 2 book chapters published in international publishing houses
- 1 article in the international journal with impact factor ISI, classified in category Q1
- Over 30 scientific articles, published in volumes of international conferences indexed by ISI
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